RUSSIA, Yekaterinburg
National CAC Dog Show "Cup of the Urals - 2013"
Judge: G.BAKLUSHIN (Russia)
You & Me Dobry Duh Eternal - v.promising, CW, Best Puppy in Breed, Best PUPPY-2;
Jack Sparrow Of Golden Pugs - CW, J.CAC, Best Junior in Breed;
Splendor Eternal Moja Lwia Rodzina - CW, САС, BOS, BOB, BIG-1, BIS-3.
National Special Breed Show (Club Winner rank)
Judge: T. GRIGORENKO (Russia)
Dobryi Duh Nigel Heaven Sent - CW, C.CW;
Dobryi Duh Azartny Igrok - CW, C.CW;
Dobryi Duh Neapaul - CW, BOS, Club Winner, BOB fawn;
Dobryi Duh Teodora Trussardi - CW, Jr.CW, Best Junior fawn;
Dobryi Duh Afrodita - CW, C.CW-2;
Dobryi Duh Felizia Famous For Victories - CW, BOS, Club Winner.
Dobryi Duh Podarok Ganeshi - v.promising, CW, Best Puppy black;
Jack Sparrow Of Golden Pugs - CW, Jr.CW, Best Junior, BOB, Best Dog of The Show;
Dobryi Duh Iskristy Sapfir - CW, BOS, Club Winner;
Dobryi Duh Novella Fleur - CW, BOS, Club Winner.